

时间:2020-04-29 10:12:38 收藏0 阅读833 评论3 点赞9
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  • 对自己因病离开岗位的时间超过了预期而感到抱歉,并感谢在此期间挺身而出继续领导政府工作的同事,以及国民在面对新冠肺炎疫情而展现的勇气和胆量。
  • 新冠肺炎疫情是自二战以来英国面临的最大挑战。迹象表明,随着住院人数和重症室患者变少,英国正在度过高峰期。
  • 为保护英国国民医疗系统NHS免遭崩溃,提醒民众不要因疫情有所改观而放松警惕。在看到封城后对经济、社会等多方面的影响,要避免第二次高峰的危险,以免造成更多和持久的损害。 
  • 将尽最大可能跨业务、跨行业、跨地域、跨党派界限达成共识,齐心协力,将疫情爆发峰值曲线拉平。


我知道新冠病毒每天都在给全国各地的家庭带来新的伤痛确实,这场疫情是自二战以来我们国家面临的最大挑战我也知道现在的情况有多么严峻然而,情况确实正在好转我们的住院人数变少了重症室患者也变少了还有实实在在的迹象表明,我们正在度过高峰期感谢你们的宽容,你们的理智你们的无私,你们的团体精神感谢我们国家的集体决心我们就要看到第一阶段胜利的曙光了 我们要保护我们的医疗系统免遭崩溃我们在世界其它地方看到了医疗系统崩溃的惨状有了这个大前提,我们才能扭转局势如果我们把新冠看成一个袭击犯一个意想不到而又看不见的抢劫者那我现在可以凭我的个人经验告诉你们现在,就是我们携手一起把新冠病毒击倒在地的时刻接下来的时间,是我们可以充分发挥优势趁胜追击的时刻 但与此同时,也是风险最大的时刻因为会有很多人看到疫情有了改观就想着是不是该放松保持社交距离的措施了我知道,要放弃长久以来坚持的基本自由不能见朋友,不能见至亲至爱一边在家办公,一边要照顾孩子还要担心自己是否会失业,公司是否会倒闭即使这些只是暂时的 我在此直接对英国企业、商家、企业家、酒店业以及我们经济所依赖的每个人说声我理解你们的急切也知道你们的焦虑我知道,如果没有私有行业没有来自它们的财富和驱动何谈经济何谈支付公共服务的资金何谈对国民医疗服务体系的资金支持  和大家一样,我能清楚地看到禁足的长期后果所以,我也完全理解大家的焦躁不安政府也对此感到非常焦急但是,我们必须认识到第二次高峰的风险到那时候,我们可能会失去对病毒的控制让病毒传播率又回到百分之一以上  第二轮高峰不仅意味着新一轮的死亡和疾病也意味着又一次的经济灾难我们将再次被迫实施和现在一样的限制让整个国家整个经济停摆并再次采取限制措施,以免造成更多和持久的损害 我知道这很难我也想让经济尽快恢复但我不能让英国人民的所有努力和牺牲都白费不能冒着第二次大爆发、巨大生命损失以及国民医疗服务体系崩溃的风险我请大家不要急躁因为我相信我们已经接近疫情第一阶段的尾声 遭受了那么多苦难,我们已经看到胜利的曙光我们推翻了许多不利预测我们的呼吸机或重症监护室病床还有剩余我们没有让我们的国民医疗服务体系崩溃相反,到目前为止,我们共同保护了我们的国民医疗服务体系我们出色的医生、护士和医务人员已能够保护我们所有人不遭受本可能会更糟糕的疫情影响
我们齐心协力,将疫情爆发峰值曲线拉平因此,当我们确信第一阶段已结束之时我们会面临五项考核新增死亡人数下降国民医疗服务体系得到保护感染率下降真正解决检测工作和个人防护设备紧缺的挑战避免第二波爆发 而后便是继续迈入第二阶段的时候了那时,我们将继续抑制疾病蔓延降低新增感染率逐步放宽经济和社会限制逐渐启动英国这个庞大经济体的引擎 在此过程中,我们将会做出艰难的判断在未来几天,尽管政府显然会对此作出更多说明但我们现在仍无法清楚得知这些变化会有多快或多慢,甚至什么时候发生我现在告知大家这些决定将尽可能以最透明的形式呈现出来我想与你们,所有英国人民,分享我们所有的工作和想法,以及我的想法当然,我们将一如既往地依靠科学,正如我们一开始所做的那样
但我们也将尽最大可能跨业务、跨行业、跨地域、跨党派界限达成共识尽可能包容不同声音  因为我相信这正是英国人民的期望我可以告诉大家,准备工作已经紧锣密鼓地进行了数周以便我们能够取得第二阶段的胜利因为我相信,我们正在朝着第一阶段的胜利方向迈进 最后我想说,如果你们可以再坚持一下如果你们能帮助保护我们的国民医疗服务体系拯救生命如果我们整个国家都能像本周刚满100岁的汤姆·摩尔上尉(Tom Moore)那样展现出同样的乐观精神和活力如果我们能够表现出我们在过去六个星期中所表现出的团结精神和决心

I am sorry I have been away from my desk for much longer than I would have liked

and I want to thank everybody who has stepped up

in particular the First Secretary of State Dominic Raab

who has done a terrific job

but once again I want to thank you

the people of this country

for the sheer grit and guts

you have shown and are continuing to show

every day I know that this virus brings new sadness and mourning to households across the land

and it is still true that this is the biggest single challenge this country has faced since the war

and I in no way minimise the continuing problems we face

and yet it is also true that we are making progress

with fewer hospital admissions

fewer covid patients in ICU

and real signs now that we are passing through the peak

and thanks to your forbearance, your good sense, your altruism, your spirit of community

thanks to our collective national resolve

we are on the brink of achieving that first clear mission

to prevent our national health service from being overwhelmed

in a way that tragically we have seen elsewhere

and that is how and why we are now beginning to turn the tide

If this virus were a physical assailant

an unexpected and invisible mugger

which I can tell you from personal experience it is

then this is the moment when we have begun together to wrestle it to the floor

and so it follows that this is the moment of opportunity

this is the moment when we can press home our advantage

it is also the moment of maximum risk

because I know that there will be many people looking now at our apparent success

and beginning to wonder whether now is the time to go easy on those social distancing measures

and I know how hard and how stressful it has been to give up

even temporarily

those ancient and basic freedoms

not seeing friends, not seeing loved ones

working from home, managing the kids

worrying about your job and your firm

so let me say directly also to British business

to the shopkeepers, to the entrepreneurs, to the hospitality sector

to everyone on whom our economy depends

I understand your impatience

I share your anxiety

And I know that without our private sector

without the drive and commitment of the wealth creators of this country

there will be no economy to speak of

there will be no cash to pay for our public services

no way of funding our NHS

and yes I can see the long term consequences of lock down as clearly as anyone

and so yes I entirely share your urgency

it’s the government’s urgency

and yet we must also recognise the risk of a second spike

the risk of losing control of that virus

and letting the reproduction rate go back over one

because that would mean not only a new wave of death and disease but also an economic disaster

and we would be forced once again to slam on the brakes across the whole country

and the whole economy

and reimpose restrictions in such a way as to do more and lasting damage

and so I know it is tough

and I want to get this economy moving as fast as I can

but I refuse to throw away all the effort and the sacrifice of the British people

and to risk a second major outbreak and huge loss of life and the overwhelming of the NHS

and I ask you to contain your impatience because I believe we are coming now to the end of the first phase of this conflict

and in spite of all the suffering we have so nearly succeeded

we defied so many predictions

we did not run out of ventilators or ICU beds

we did not allow our NHS to collapse

and on the contrary we have so far collectively shielded our NHS so that our incredible doctors and nurses and healthcare staff have been able to shield all of us

from an outbreak that would have been far worse

and we collectively flattened the peak

and so when we are sure that this first phase is over

and that we are meeting our five tests

deaths falling

NHS protected

rate of infection down

really sorting out the challenges of testing and PPE

avoiding a second peak

then that will be the time to move on to the second phase

in which we continue to suppress the disease

and keep the reproduction rate, the r rate, down,

but begin gradually to refine the economic and social restrictions

and one by one to fire up the engines of this vast UK economy

and in that process difficult judgments will be made

and we simply cannot spell out now how fast or slow or even when those changes will be made

though clearly the government will be saying much more about this in the coming days

and I want to serve notice now that these decisions will be taken with the maximum possible transparency

and I want to share all our working and our thinking, my thinking, with you the British people

and of course, we will be relying as ever on the science to inform us

as we have from the beginning

but we will also be reaching out to build the biggest possible consensus

across business, across industry, across all parts of our United Kingdom

across party lines

bringing in opposition parties as far as we possibly can

because I think that is no less than what the British people would expect

and I can tell you now that preparations are under way

and have been for weeks

to allow us to win phase two of this fight as I believe we are now on track to prevail in phase one

and so I say to you finally if you can keep going in the way that you have kept going so far

if you can help protect our NHS

to save lives

and if we as a country can show the same spirit of optimism and energy shown by Captain Tom Moore

who turns 100 this week

if we can show the same spirit of unity and determination as we have all shown in the past six weeks

then I have absolutely no doubt that

we will beat it together

we will come through this all the faster

and the United Kingdom

will emerge stronger than ever before

Published 27 April 2020


我知道新冠病毒每天都在给全国各地的家庭带来新的伤痛确实,这场疫情是自二战以来我们国家面临的最大挑战我也知道现在的情况有多么严峻然而,情况确实正在好转我们的住院人数变少了重症室患者也变少了还有实实在在的迹象表明,我们正在度过高峰期感谢你们的宽容,你们的理智你们的无私,你们的团体精神感谢我们国家的集体决心我们就要看到第一阶段胜利的曙光了 我们要保护我们的医疗系统免遭崩溃我们在世界其它地方看到了医疗系统崩溃的惨状有了这个大前提,我们才能扭转局势如果我们把新冠看成一个袭击犯一个意想不到而又看不见的抢劫者那我现在可以凭我的个人经验告诉你们现在,就是我们携手一起把新冠病毒击倒在地的时刻接下来的时间,是我们可以充分发挥优势趁胜追击的时刻 但与此同时,也是风险最大的时刻因为会有很多人看到疫情有了改观就想着是不是该放松保持社交距离的措施了我知道,要放弃长久以来坚持的基本自由不能见朋友,不能见至亲至爱一边在家办公,一边要照顾孩子还要担心自己是否会失业,公司是否会倒闭即使这些只是暂时的 我在此直接对英国企业、商家、企业家、酒店业以及我们经济所依赖的每个人说声我理解你们的急切也知道你们的焦虑我知道,如果没有私有行业没有来自它们的财富和驱动何谈经济何谈支付公共服务的资金何谈对国民医疗服务体系的资金支持  和大家一样,我能清楚地看到禁足的长期后果所以,我也完全理解大家的焦躁不安政府也对此感到非常焦急但是,我们必须认识到第二次高峰的风险到那时候,我们可能会失去对病毒的控制让病毒传播率又回到百分之一以上  第二轮高峰不仅意味着新一轮的死亡和疾病也意味着又一次的经济灾难我们将再次被迫实施和现在一样的限制让整个国家整个经济停摆并再次采取限制措施,以免造成更多和持久的损害 我知道这很难我也想让经济尽快恢复但我不能让英国人民的所有努力和牺牲都白费不能冒着第二次大爆发、巨大生命损失以及国民医疗服务体系崩溃的风险我请大家不要急躁因为我相信我们已经接近疫情第一阶段的尾声 遭受了那么多苦难,我们已经看到胜利的曙光我们推翻了许多不利预测我们的呼吸机或重症监护室病床还有剩余我们没有让我们的国民医疗服务体系崩溃相反,到目前为止,我们共同保护了我们的国民医疗服务体系我们出色的医生、护士和医务人员已能够保护我们所有人不遭受本可能会更糟糕的疫情影响
我们齐心协力,将疫情爆发峰值曲线拉平因此,当我们确信第一阶段已结束之时我们会面临五项考核新增死亡人数下降国民医疗服务体系得到保护感染率下降真正解决检测工作和个人防护设备紧缺的挑战避免第二波爆发 而后便是继续迈入第二阶段的时候了那时,我们将继续抑制疾病蔓延降低新增感染率逐步放宽经济和社会限制逐渐启动英国这个庞大经济体的引擎 在此过程中,我们将会做出艰难的判断在未来几天,尽管政府显然会对此作出更多说明但我们现在仍无法清楚得知这些变化会有多快或多慢,甚至什么时候发生我现在告知大家这些决定将尽可能以最透明的形式呈现出来我想与你们,所有英国人民,分享我们所有的工作和想法,以及我的想法当然,我们将一如既往地依靠科学,正如我们一开始所做的那样
但我们也将尽最大可能跨业务、跨行业、跨地域、跨党派界限达成共识尽可能包容不同声音  因为我相信这正是英国人民的期望我可以告诉大家,准备工作已经紧锣密鼓地进行了数周以便我们能够取得第二阶段的胜利因为我相信,我们正在朝着第一阶段的胜利方向迈进 最后我想说,如果你们可以再坚持一下如果你们能帮助保护我们的国民医疗服务体系拯救生命如果我们整个国家都能像本周刚满100岁的汤姆·摩尔上尉(Tom Moore)那样展现出同样的乐观精神和活力如果我们能够表现出我们在过去六个星期中所表现出的团结精神和决心
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